In future I will be sharing entries in daily record books kept by William Hawkes Jr.
Written between 1932 and 1945. They are a fun window into his life and others in his
family/neighborhood at that time.
Born in Marblehead in 1890 and grew up at 47 Washington St. one of five children.
William worked most of his life as a painter, by 27 years old he was the "foreman painter"
for Stearns&MacKay yacht yard on Front St. He married Mary Peach and together raised
three sons, Ben, Lincoln and William and lived in a small home on NormanSt at Redds' pond. William never owned a car or drove and lived very modest life.
His brother Elmer partnered with him for a
time and painted homes in town. Elmer would ultimately go on to paint
boats for Fred Dions' yacht yard in Salem.
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